What are Learn Its?
You may recognise terms like Number Facts or Number Bonds, and of course Times Tables… well in Big Maths we call them ‘Learn Its’. Learn Its are simple sums (facts) that it is vitally important for children to learn so that they recall them instantly, (with no thinking time). This name is simple because it perfectly describes what we want children to do, ‘Just LEARN IT!’. There are 36 addition Learn Its (all the 1 digit add 1 digit facts from 2+2 through to 9+9) and 36 multiplication Learn Its (all of the 1 digit times 1 digit facts). Learn Its are a solid foundation for calculation, without being able to recall them instantly, we risk children treating each calculation as a new one.
To read more about how Big Maths works


“Be clear! A Learn It is a fact to remember… just like they know their name!”
The 7 Principles of Generating Recall
In Big Maths there are 7 principles of generating instant recall from all children, which are explained to teachers to help them in school. The most important principle is to BE CLEAR. Clarity allows children to understand where they are on their learning journey, which encourages them to make progress.
We want children to know:
- that a ‘Learn It’ is a fact to remember just as well as they know their own name
- that Learn Its are 1d add 1d facts and 1d times 1d facts
- the 18 Max Rule -For 1d addition 1d Learn Its the answer can never be bigger than 18
- the 81 Max Rule – For 1d multiplication 1d Learn Its the answer can never be bigger than 81
- Switchers – (commutative law) 3 add 4 must be the same as 4 add 3 (for example). They can switch the numbers and end up with the same answer!
- Fact Families – Read more here >
The Learn Its Challenge

There are 16 Learn Its challenges, beginning with 1+1 and 2+2, and finishing with the Ultimate challenge where children are challenged to answer all 72 Learn Its in less than 3 minutes! Each step of the Learn Its journey is clear, listing new facts that must be learned. In each challenge, children practice 2 previous sets of facts, along with the new facts. Therefore, after completing Learn Its 3,4,5 they move on to Learn Its 4,5,6 etc.
Learning should be fun, so keep it simple. Try to relate facts to real life, use fingers, the legs on a chair, playing dice etc to illustrate the fact and helps to anchor it into their memory. We provide some example flashcards and jingles below, but feel free to experiment and have fun until children can recall them instantly.
Learn Its Flash Cards
Write the sum (see the list below) on the front, and the answer on the back of a piece of paper. Show your child the sum side of the flashcard and ask them to shout out the answer on the back immediately (like ‘Snap’). Keep a pile of the facts that your child gets right every time and a pile of the ones they still need practice with. Focus practice on just 2 or 3 from the pile that still need to be learned, or from the specific ones that your child’s teacher has asked them to practice next.
These are easy enough to make at home! Work together with your children to create your own flashcards! Here’s an example of how to layout the page (questions on the front, answers on the back!) and cut out to make your cards.

Learn Its Jingles
We created a number of jingles to help children to memorise each Learn It, each of these jingles has a different style which is intended to be deliberately silly, repetitive and memorable.