Practice Basic Maths Skills at home!

Our Big Maths at Home website is designed to be as simple as possible (without distractions) to encourage children to focus on being able to answer Basic Skills questions. Our simple Baseline Assessment identifies the early Learning Gaps which can then be practiced using sets of targeted questions. We identify the year and term that Learning Gaps relate to and provide notes to describe the learning objective for each question.
Why prioritise Basic Skills at home?
Basic Skills are the foundation for everything else! Maths is a compulsory subject, most often taught every day for at least 45 minutes. Consequently, we should trust teachers to introduce children to new skills when they are ready to learn them, click here to read more. This means that the best support we can provide to our children is to practise basic maths skills at home.

What are Basic Skills?

Basic Skills are generally accepted to be number facts and the four main operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), which underpin the ability to understand and use maths in daily life. Importantly, these are the simplest skills to practice at home!
In Big Maths, we have a Basic Skills framework that builds up to Calculation, identifying specific progression which we then assess in our CLIC challenges. To read more about how big maths works… click here
How does it work?
Big Maths at Home is designed to allow children to complete challenges which are aligned to the curriculum. As long as they get all of the questions correct, they will be promoted to the next challenge and continue to do so until they make mistakes. Once they make mistakes, they are put into practice mode where they tackle sets of questions linked to those questions that they got wrong. Get the practice questions right and they move back into challenge mode and try to get promoted again. Simple…

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How much does it cost?

If we could give it away for free, we would. A subscription to Big Maths at Home costs just £5 a month for one child or £3 a month for each child for multiple children. You can cancel at any time and there are no hidden charges.